Write a Journal and Start Changing Your Life (For The Better)

Chronopad Blog
4 min readMar 9, 2021
Keeping a journal has so much benefits

Do you know that writing a journal daily is great for your mental health? Apparently, keeping a daily journal will benefit you in many ways. By reading this article, allow me to introduce you to the benefits of keeping a daily journal. I myself do write my journal on a daily basis, and I hope after knowing how much it will impact you positively, you are interested to do so.

Keep your thoughts organized

As we go through the day, there are so many things we experience that might overwh­elm us. Deadlines of the job, list of groceries we need to stock back in our home, and not to mention the upsetting things that happen. Sometimes these things might consume us so much that we can’t think straight. By writing what’s in your mind, you will be able to elaborate the things in your mind one by one that helps you see and comprehend more clearly.

Improve your writings

As writing becomes a habit, you improve your ability in writing because by doing it daily, it helps you discover your voice and clear your mind as well as crystallize your ideas. You are more familiar to write your thoughts down without any difficulties in choosing the appropriate words.

Set and achieve your goals

You can write anything you want in your journal, including your goals. You are even recommended to do so as a study found that you are more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. As you read and rewrite your goals daily, your mind will absorb them in your subconscious and you will act accordingly.

By writing what’s in your mind, you will be able to elaborate the things in your mind one by one that helps you see and comprehend more clearly.

Relieve stress

I mentioned earlier that writing a journal daily is beneficial for mental health. Well, it is. Because by journaling, you are able to release your emotions, either bad or good, because we know too much of something is bad. By writing your journal, you will get to analyze what makes you irritated, angry, or excited and it helps to calm you down as you mention every word in your diary.

Allow self-reflection

Make your journal your best friend. Share with it your goals, dreams, as well as plans to achieve them. Tell it about what has happened the whole day, and what you will do the next day. This will help you evaluate whether you have made decisions that align with your goals. Keep doing this and you will see how it impacts you to easily reflect on yourself that will give you chance to evaluate your plans and realizations.

Boost memory

Remember I mentioned that when you write your goals your subconscious mind will absorb them? Well, this is how when you keep writing a journal on a daily basis, your capability to memorize something is improved. In fact, even by simply writing something down without bothering to read it, you increase the development of your brain and memory.

Inspire creativity

As journaling becomes your habit, you get to explore your cognitive and emotional areas that are normally inaccessible parts of your psyche. This will unlock your creative side and give you inspiration, both for your personal and professional projects.

Record your life history

You can write down anything you want in your journal, including the special events, such as your son’s first day at school, the day your spouse fully recovers from a certain disease, etc. Who knows all the stories you’ve written will be inspirations for your offspring?

When you start focusing on gratitude and begin to elaborate on the things you are thankful for in your diary, you might find yourself unendingly list all the things in your life that you think of as blessings.

Improve your physical health

Apparently, not only is daily journaling beneficial for your mental health, but it is also good for your physical health. Researchers found that patients with infectious diseases do heal quicker when they kept a journal.

Increase your gratitude

You can write down all the things that upset you but remember, you get what you focus your mind on. So, instead of complaining about your boss or how hard the day has been, you might be more interested to jot down all the things in your life that you are grateful for. When you start focusing on gratitude and begin to elaborate on the things you are thankful for in your diary, you might find yourself unendingly list all the things in your life that you think of as blessings. This will give you a more positive outlook on your life.

After knowing all the many benefits that it offers, what do you think? Are you ready to write the story of your day? 😊



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